Two highlights from this last week -
1) while showing a good friend, composer & longtime collaborator the studio build, he said “scott, you’re the only person i know who is bullish on the music industry.”
2) mid-mixing session for a great artist we took a quick tour of the space and she said something to the effect of “i’m excited that we will get to have something like this in Provo, Utah”
Honestly, i don’t know how I feel about the music industry as a whole, but I know that there is a lot of great music being made here in Utah and we are lucky to get to be a part of it. We have remained busy for a long time now and while this really is a crazy business move, I’m really happy to be able to do what I can to provide this great music scene with such a place. We are lucky to have Wes Lachot, Tony Brett and Thom Canova on board and frankly doing us such a favor by working long and hard on a project with some pretty big budget/time constraints. They are working closely with our great contractors at Zadok Construction (Nick and Jared) to build a pretty amazing studio space.
…and you should really check out some of the great music coming out of Utah:
These are just the artists we’ve worked with in the past month.