Two highlights from this last week -
1) while showing a good friend, composer & longtime collaborator the studio build, he said “scott, you’re the only person i know who is bullish on the music industry.”
2) mid-mixing session for a great artist we took a quick tour of the space and she said something to the effect of “i’m excited that we will get to have something like this in Provo, Utah”
Honestly, i don’t know how I feel about the music industry as a whole, but I know that there is a lot of great music being made here in Utah and we are lucky to get to be a part of it. We have remained busy for a long time now and while this really is a crazy business move, I’m really happy to be able to do what I can to provide this great music scene with such a place. We are lucky to have Wes Lachot, Tony Brett and Thom Canova on board and frankly doing us such a favor by working long and hard on a project with some pretty big budget/time constraints. They are working closely with our great contractors at Zadok Construction (Nick and Jared) to build a pretty amazing studio space.
…and you should really check out some of the great music coming out of Utah:
These are just the artists we’ve worked with in the past month.
The 2nd level of the instrument storage room is nearly done, just need the railing now.
Looking into the hallway from the 2nd level. Glass sliding barn doors will hang in the opening.
Spray foam insulation in the lobby where we didn’t want to lose the space that a traditional framed wall would eat up.
More work was done on the HVAC system until about mid-week when the guys came down with a pretty bad flu that is going around. Hopefully we will see some real progress next week.
In front of the lobby we got the missing piece of steel for the canopy.
The last few weeks have been primarily about electrical. I’m very impressed with the electricians and their attention to detail. At this point they are a few days away from having all of the rough electrical finished.
This is the transformer that will clean up the power for the studios. This box is so insanely heavy that none of us could even get a corner of it off the ground, yet it needed to be hung up to be put to use.
Chains and pulleys got the transformer hung and ready to be hooked up.
The electricians take great care with their installation. Here he is precisely bending conduit that will be hidden behind sheetrock and never seen again.
This small room has so much electrical equipment in it. On the left is the panel for the “dirty” power of the new building (lights, hvac), on the right is the new panel for the house.
The transformer is hung on the left, in the middle is a disconnect and a surge protector, on the right is the panel for the clean power to the studios.