
One week later and things are beginning to change -  it finally looks like something is being built!

Before I get into that, one thing I forgot last week...before the footings were backfilled, Dave, one of the superintendents, remembered that I was hoping to have the ability to run a digital snake out of the building.   The studio shares a block with Velour Live Music Gallery, which is the premier local music club and with a cat 5 cable as a digital snake we will be able to split the stage feed and multitrack local shows. Dave grabbed a drill and got some conduit through the stem wall so we can have a cable buried and get into the building without having to go through a door.    


Monday - rough grading and compacting was completed, concrete block arrived and was laid out.

photo oct 8.jpg

Tuesday - the walls started going up

Photo Oct 09, 2 44 41 PM.jpg

Wednesday - more block went up until the walls reached the height of the first “lift” (four feet).   


Thursday - scaffolding began to be set up and the concrete truck showed up to grout the first lift.   The walls will be completely filled with concrete which is good for sound but bad for the guy who someday wants to knock the place down.

Photo Oct 11, 3 56 58 PM.jpg

Friday - more block, got close to the second lift, including the stripes of charcoal colored block which, although likely futile, are an effort to draw attention away from just how enormous and prison-like the outside of this building is going to be.


We went through a number of different options for the stripes on the building.

This week we also spent time planning for landscaping, scheduling with Brett Acoustics and Canova Audio, and laying out the security and access systems.

Will we get to the top of the wall this coming week?  Stay tuned to find out.