
We are just 3 courses of block from of the walls. There is still a large opening in the back of the building - kept there for access to the inside. That hole will be filled once the underground work starts next week.

East wall, lower section is the lobby out in front of the higher studio spaces.

East wall, lower section is the lobby out in front of the higher studio spaces.

Looking north toward the lobby and the house.

Looking north toward the lobby and the house.

Today the structural steel showed up. These beams will support the weight of the roof surrounding the house - nothing will bear on the old walls, the roofs will just be tied together.

looking into the lobby through what will be the front door.

looking into the lobby through what will be the front door.

looking west down the hallway that separates the studio spaces from the old house.

looking west down the hallway that separates the studio spaces from the old house.


Looking forward to reaching the final height on the walls tomorrow and also to beginning work on the front landscaping. Still managing to keep working in the house, mixing and recording.